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Spring 1 


English - Hook

For the next four weeks we will be basing our English around the book 'Dogger'. We started off with a 'hook' where I had lost some toys. The children helped find them but 1 is still lost. We looked in the classroom, behind the cupboards, under the tables, by the coats, outside - the list is endless. The children felt really sad for me and wanted to find my toy. We then read the beginning our the book 'Dogger' and the children noticed how I was just the same as the little boy Dave in the book. I look forward to seeing what work the children produce around this book. 



Our topic this half-term is called 'Toys'.  The children all brought in one of their favourite toys on Thursday. We used our toys for the start of our topic where we explained why it was our favourite and what it does. We also started to look at the properties of our toys and categorised. We started off with sorting them into two groups - big/small, noisy/quiet, old/new and soft/hard. We then had a quick look at what our toys were made from and the children placed where they thought their toy went - wood, metal, fabric and plastic. The children wondered what the word 'fabric' meant, so we discussed this further. They also worked out that something was  made out of cardboard and used their knowledge from out 'seasons' topic that it should be in the category -wood. A great start to our topic toys. 


Spring 1 


Our Senses

We have been learning about the parts of our body in science. We played body bingo in groups where we had to make sure we placed the right picture onto one of our team members. We had a lot of fun playing this game. 



Mellow Yellow Day

We all looked great in yellow for mental heath awareness day. 


As a class we talked through the story of 'The Lion Hunt' and acted it out in the school grounds. We went through the long grass, through the lake, through the swamp and to the cave where the children found a lion hiding!




Our topic this half-term is 'My world and me'. We shared the story of The Invisible String by Patrick Karst and thought about our family, friends, pets and who we felt connected to. We drew their pictures in the love hearts and attached them to our photograph. 






We have been working very hard with our numbers within 10. We have looked at what two numbers make 10 and that it can be both ways - 6+4=10 and 4+6=10. 


Autumn 1


The children in 1Lo have made a super start to year 1.