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Spring 2

Easter Bonnets

Wow Deers class have been super busy at home creating brilliant bonnets to show in the parade. Well done everyone you look fantastic!







Easter Rolling

On the final day of term, we were very lucky with the weather as we were able to complete our annual Easter egg rolling competition. We had a great time doing this and was lovely that everyone was able to take part! 





This half term our topic in Science has been based around Materials. We began by exploring lots of different materials and used our very own magnifier to help us. We also explored what the materials might be used for in terms of creating objects. 



Performance Poetry

As part of our English sessions, we have been learning a section of a poem from The Pied Piper. We started by reading the poem and then creating a story map to help us. After that we added actions and then practise the poem so that we felt more confident to perform it to everyone. We all did a fantastic job!



Old and New Plane Sorting 

This half term we have been learning about Flight. We have been very busy during our Topic by firstly sorting parts that are from olden day planes and more modern day planes. Afterwards we then learnt about the different parts of a modern day plane. 



Spring 2

All Aboard!
To start our brand new topic - Flight we began by pretending we were going on flight, using Deer Airlines. We started by creating a passport and boarding pass and then after lunch we queued up to have them checked so that we could go on the plane. Once we had boarded. we watched a safety video and then enjoyed the complimentary snacks and drinks whilst watching some TV




Spring 1 

Trunk Theatre

During our last week of our topic, 'The Great Fire of London' we were very lucky to have theatre company come in and perform a enactment of The Great Fire of London. We loved watching it, especially when we got to get involved in the singing and dancing of songs. We also loved having the chance to draw how we would like London to look too! 






As we have been learning about The Great Fire of London this half term, we have been able to have a look at some artefacts relating to it. The main one that we explored was the quill, which was a type a pen that had a long feather attached to it. We learnt that people such as Samuel Pepys would have used it to write his diary.




Habitats ( Science)

This half term our topic in Science has been Habitats. We have learnt that a habitat is where an animal lives and that animals have adaptations that enable them to live in certain habitats. Our favourite fact that we learnt was that a camel can live in the desert and survive without food for several months because it stores fat in its hump! For our final lesson in the topic, in groups, we have created our own habitats. All of us were brilliant at working together!






The Great Fire of London

WOW! What an exciting start we have had to our first day back at school! It all started when Mrs Evans discovered a box underneath the leaves and outside. We decided to carefully open it and discovered a letter written in an unusual code, a bottle of wine, a piece of smelly cheese. There was also a box left full of lots of types of different cheeses. After reading the letter, we created our topic background to reflect the Great Fire of London and baked bread like Thomas Farriner did!

We have had a fantastic busy day!











Christmas Enterprise Week. 

Last week we were super busy creating lots of lovely things for us to sell at the Christmas Fayre. We started by created reindeers by using toilet rolls. We then left them to dry and started making our Christmas trees baubles for our school Christmas Tree- Thank you to everyone who bought one of our reindeers!




Throwing Skills

In PE we have been practising our skills in throwing underarm. We had to, under arm, throw the ball/beanbag to accurately hit the ball off the cone. The more times we succeeded, the more points we won!




History of Hartshill

As part of our new topic 'Hartshill', we were very lucky to have Mrs Forshew come and visit us to talk about the history of Nathaniel Newton. We learnt lots of interesting facts, including that the school opened and close on the same day due to World War II and that the school opened with only 8 children attending.

She also very kindly bought some pictures taken from the 1970s which we really enjoyed looking at




Yellow Day

Today, we have been celebrating Mental Health Awareness day. We have been learning about the importance of looking after your mental health and discussing how we can experience lots of different feelings. As part of our day we created hand templates for a secret projection that Mrs Dicken is doing in school! We then explored activities that support us with our breathing and listening to our bodies. 

Thank you for all of your donations :) 







Life Cycles.

Today in Science, we have been looking at Life Cycles. We started our lesson by discussed what the vocabulary terms ''Life Time', 'Life Cycle' and 'Change' mean. As a class we identified these meanings. Afterwards, we were given a selection of pictures and needed to create the life cycle of that particular animal. 




Our Own Setting

This half term for our English lessons we have been reading completing activities influenced by the book 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jefferies. We have been discussing places that have a cold climate and places that have a hot climate. In groups, we have created our own hot climate, using a variety of different coloured materials and textures. 



A Human or Physical Feature? 

Today in our topic lesson, we have been exploring what a human feature is and what a physical feature is. We discussed that a human feature is something that is man made for example 'The Great Wall of China' is a human feature because people had to make it. We then discussed that a physical feature is something that is natural and hasn't had to be created by people i.e. 'Mount Kilimanjaro' is a physical feature. After we had had our discussion we were given a variety of pictures which we had to sort into human and physical features. 




China Day!

As part of our topic, Antarctica and Asia, we have been exploring the country China which is located in the biggest continent, Asia. We started our day off by making Chinese Lanterns. We started by folding our paper in half and then cut strips carefully across the sheet. Afterwards we coloured it in and stapled it to a decorated paper handle.