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Autumn  Term 


We had a fantastic last couple of weeks before the holidays! We all worked really hard on our concert, we all loved wearing our Christmas jumper and to end the term had a brilliant party and toy day!











For our Christmas Fayre craft, we have created reindeers. We began by painting lots of toilet rolls brown to reflect their head and body. We then created the faces of the reindeers by adding googly eyes, a red nose and brown pipe cleaners for ears. 

Thank you to everyone who purchased one of our lovely reindeers this year!





This week we have been using counters to help us to solve addition and subtraction equations using the part part whole method. We learnt how to partition the second number to help us get to 20 and then added the remaining part to find the sum.






Today we looked at the importance of washing our hands. In class we have carried out an investigation which involved us having dirt hands, hands that are only washed with water and hands that have been washed with soap. We began by passing a piece of bread around the circle when our hands are were covered in germs from the floor and our shoes. Then after some of us washed our hands with water, we then touched another bread roll. Finally some of us then touched another bread roll once our hands had been washed with soap. We are watching the bread daily to see which has the most mould on it.




Healthy or Unhealthy 

In Science we have been exploring a healthy diet. As well as creating a healthy eating plate, as the beginning of our lesson we had to decide in groups which foods were healthy and which were unhealthy - even if they are very tasty!





In PE we have been working really hard with Positive Impact to develop our PE skills. This week we have been focusing on our throwing and jumping skills.  We had 3 activities in throwing. We had to throw accurately into the domes, another activity was to throw them on to the rocket and the final one was to throw them into the small hoops. 




Greater than or Less Than. 

Today in Maths we have been comparing numbers. We have been using the < > symbols to compare numbers. We began by looking at the 2-digit number to help us. If the tens numbers were the same on both numbers, then we looked at the ones. However if they were the same then we added the = symbol as we have learnt that this means the same as. 



How do we survive?

In Science we have been busy learning about what we need to survive. We began our lesson by having a selection of images. As a group we had to decide whether it was something that we needed to survive or whether it was something nice to have. 




At the beginning of Year 2 one of our very first lessons was to develop in our understanding of primary and secondary colours. We began by colouring half of our page with the primary colours which are red, yellow and blue. The other half, we mixed red and yellow together to create orange, blue and red together to create purple and blue and yellow together to create green.