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Design Technology

Curriculum Intent

At Nathaniel Newton Infant School we aim to provide children with a Design and Technology education that is relevant in our rapidly changing world. We aim to promote curiosity, creativity and love for learning. We encourage our children to become problem solvers who can work creatively on a shared project. We want children to leave Nathaniel Newton being ambitious critical thinkers who use their imagination to invent, create and innovate with no limits to their own creativity.


Reception Rockets and Space Packs

In Reception the children learnt all about Space, and how people travel there. They started by looking at different parts of rockets, such as the wings and the nose cone. They then designed them and learnt about different ways to join materials together. Finally, they had parents in to help them turn their designs into reality! Have a look at some of the super things they built!





Year 1 Moving Toys

In year 1 the children learnt all about toys: old and new. They were then challenged to create their own toys for toddlers that could move on wheels by being pushed or pulled. After exploring existing toys they designed their own that met these criteria. They then took apart wheeled toys and learnt all about wheels and axels. After building prototypes they finally made their finished products.



Year 2 Tudor Houses 

In year 2 the children learnt all about The Great Fire of London. They learnt that Tudor houses were often made using lots of wood, and therefore caught fire quickly. After looking at different structures the children designed their own Tudor houses. They measured and cut the wood using saws, stuck them together and added some cardboard beams to the front and hay on top to mimic a thatched roof.